Hila Legal has lawyers who specialise in drafting, negotiating or reviewing commercial and civil contracts to provide the best possible protection for our clients' businesses.

Our responsiveness to our clients' intentions helps us to accurately perceive what is desired in each legal transaction, ensuring that contracts are drafted in line with our clients' expectations.
Our experience enables us to provide a wide range of legal services, including:
  • Drafting, reviewing and finalising undertakings, pre-contractual agreements and contracts;
  • Advising and assisting in the conclusion, execution, enforcement, assignment, termination, nullity, dissolution or, as the case may be, liquidation of: Purchase and sale contracts, leasing contracts, company contracts, mandate contracts, loan contracts, gratuitous contracts, deposit contracts, insurance contracts, annuity contracts, maintenance contracts, settlements and other types of contracts;
  • Legal assistance and representation in civil actions relating to civil liability in tort and contract;
  • Complex sales, distribution and franchise agreements;
  • Transport contracts;
  • Marketing, media and advertising agreements, sponsorship, research and development, asset transfers, technology transfers, financing, etc;
  • Loan agreements, debt acknowledgements, concessions, leasing;
  • Enterprise and subcontracting agreements;
  • Barter and agency contracts;
  • Training and consultancy contracts;
  • Commission contracts.